Authors may submit proposed contributions to in the form of electronic Word files accompanied by a list of captioned illustrations. The placement of an illustration shall be indicated in the text as follows: (Fig. 1). A summary no more than five to ten lines long shall be attached, ideally translated into English and Italian. The text shall be presented in accordance with the standards below. If these standards are not followed, the proposal will be returned.

I - Text

  • Use a 12-point font and single spacing.
  • Quotes must be a faithful reproduction of the original, including punctuation. Cuts shall be indicated by the use of ellipsis enclosed in brackets.
  • Use French-style quotation marks (« ... ») for all quotes (in French or in a foreign languages; short or long).
  • Use italics for foreign words (whether dead or living languages) and quotes in a foreign language.
  • Use accents (acute, grave and circumflex accents; diaeresis, cedillas) on capital letters in the text and in the notes: À, É, Ë, etc.
  • Use lower case for proper nouns and Roman numerals for centuries, in the text and in the notes.
  • Always write saint and Saint in full.
  • Do not overuse capital letters.
  • Do not add full stops between letters in common abbreviations. Examples: CNRS, CTHS, EHESS, etc.

II - Notes

  • Use continuous numbering for notes, which shall be presented in 10-point, single-spaced font.
  • The reference to the note should, in all cases, be placed before the punctuation mark; at the end of a quote, the reference comes after the closing French-style quotation mark.

Bibliographical references shall be given as follows:

a) for books

  • first name (in full for the first reference) and surname of the author (lower case),
  • full title of the book (in italics),
  • place of publication,
  • name of publisher,
  • year of publication,
  • total number of pages, or the page(s) on which the passage quoted or used can be found.
  • All of these elements are separated by commas.

Examples: Jean Delumeau, Le mystère Campanella, Paris, Fayard, 2008, 514 p. or pp. 233–249.

Nicole Lemaitre, Le Rouergue flamboyant. Le clergé et les fidèles du diocèse de Rodez (1417–1563), preface by Jean Delumeau, Paris, Les Éd. du Cerf, 1988, VI-655 p. (coll. « Histoire »).

b) contribution to a collective work

  • author’s first name and surname (lower case), title of chapter or contribution (enclosed in French-style quotation marks),
  • first name and surname of the editor(s) of the publication (ed.),
  • title of the book (in italics),
  • location, name of publisher, year of publication,
  • page(s).

Example: Daniel Roche, « Lumières concrètes : savoirs, pratiques, échanges », in Michel Porret (ed.), Sens des Lumières, Paris, Georg, 2007, pp. 91–97.

c) journal article

  • author’s first name and surname (lower case),
  • title of article in roman (enclosed in French-style quotation marks),
  • title of periodical (in italics),
  • volume,
  • number,
  • month(s) and year of publication,
  • page(s).

Example: Josef Smets, « À la table d’un seigneur languedocien en 1766 : les comptes du cuisinier », Revue d’histoire moderne et contemporaine, v. XLVIII, 4, October-December 2001, pp. 32–49.

Journal de Monaco, 57e a., No. 2943, 11 August 1914, p. 1.

d) reference to handwritten sources

  • name of the archive repository,
  • serial number,
  • nature of the document or, in the case of a letter, names of the correspondents,
  • location and date of document,
  • page(s) quoted if appropriate.

Palace of Monaco Archives, indicated in full the first time, then abbreviated to: A.P.M.

Archives of the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs, indicated in full, then abbreviated to: A.M.A.E.

Monaco Oceanographic Museum Archives, indicated in full, then abbreviated to: A.M.O.M.

National archives: Arch. nat.

Departmental archives: Arch. dép. plus full name of department.
Example: Arch. dép. Alpes-Maritimes.

Municipal archives: Arch. mun. plus name of commune.
Example: Arch. mun. Montpellier.

Diocese archives: Arch. dioc. plus name of diocese.
Example: Arch. dioc. Nice.

National Library of France: Bibl. nat. Fr. or BnF.

Municipal library: Bibl. mun. plus name of commune.
Example: Bibl. mun. Nîmes.

Other repositories shall be given in full; if an abbreviation is subsequently used, it shall be indicated after the first reference.

ms.: manuscript

coll.: collection

vol.: volume

pt.: part

p.: page

fol.: folio

r.: recto

v.: verso

subs.: subsequent

Example: A.P.M., C 644, Guillaume II to Albert I, 21 July 1903.

e) repetition of a reference

  • When there is a repeated reference to a single work, shorten the reference by including only the initial of the author’s first name, an abbreviated title followed by an ellipsis in brackets, and the page(s).

Example: D. Vaugelade, Le salon physiocratique [...], p. 117 (Daniel Vaugelade, Le salon physiocratique des La Rochefoucauld animé par Louise Élisabeth de La Rochefoucauld duchesse d’Enville (1716-1797), Paris, Publibook, 2001, 310 p.).

  • In the case of an article, add the abbreviated title of the periodical (AESC, RH, RHMC, RHEF, etc.) and the year of publication before the page(s).

Example: S.-M. Morgain, « L’installation des carmes déchaux [...] », RHEF, 2003, p. 364 (Stéphane-Marie Morgain, « L’installation des carmes déchaux à Toulouse en mars 1623. De la Ligue au catholicisme royal », Revue d’histoire de l’Église de France, v. LXXXIX, 223, July-December 2003, pp. 363–383).

  • In the case of a contribution to a collective work, include the initial of the first name and the last name of the author of the contribution, the abbreviated title of the contribution (followed by an ellipsis in brackets), in, and the abbreviated title of the collective work (followed by an ellipsis in brackets).

Example: C. Bouvier, « Un curé janséniste […] », in Normes et déviances […], p. 90. (Cécile Bouvier, « Un curé janséniste à Paris au temps de la Révolution », in Monique Cottret (ed.), Normes et déviances de la Réforme à la Révolution, Paris, Les Éd. de Paris, 2007, pp. 70–103).

id., ibid., and op. cit. should not be used.